It’s guinep time again and the vendors are everywhere! I have even seen guineps in the supermarkets – that’s how abundant they are these days. While it took me a while to appreciate the Jamaican guinep fruit, once I did, I was hooked!

At first it reminded me of a cross between a lychee and a small lime. And I thought it strange that this fruit had such a large seed and only a thin layer of pulp. However, once I found a good bunch I instantly loved the sweet and tangy combination of the guinep pulp. This fruit definitely makes a perfect travel snack and is surprisingly more nutritious than you may realise.

Guinep is also known as Spanish lime, Skinip, Quenepa, Honeyberry, Mamoncillo, Mapo — and yes, even “Ackee” in Barbados!

Here are 10 reasons to grab a bunch when next you see them — and make it a habit!

Guineps are a low fat/low calorie food and are literally cholesterol free. With only 58 calories per serving, guineps make a great snack choice for those trying to lose excess weight.

They contain amino acids which can help to lower blood sugar levels.

Guineps contain vitamins A and C, which are excellent for boosting the immune system. Vitamin A also helps to prevent the formation of urinary stones.

The fruit contains fibre, which is great for preventing constipation and lowering cholesterol.

Guineps contain calcium, which is a great mineral for strenthening bones and teeth.

Guineps contain important antioxidants (Phenolic Compounds) that can help to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes.

They contain phosphorus, a mineral important for digestion and regulating hormones.

Guineps also contain a large amount of tryptophan, which is important for producing serotonin, feel-good feelings and good sleep.

The pulp of the guinep fruit can also be made into a refreshing juice, a jam, sauce, and used in desserts.

Guineps are very affordable!


Eat only ripe guineps, otherwise they may be toxic. Guineps should only be given to children with caution/supervision because of the possibility of choking on the large seeds.

Bena Nakawuki is an internationally trained and certified raw food teacher, wellness coach and editor. She is currently the only certified member of the International Association of Raw Food Coaches and Teachers in Jamaica. She is the owner of The Lotus Line and may be contacted at, — The Lotus Line of Natural Health Products and Services, and