Our Startup Stories now put Yambuu on the table, a startup with the aim set on protecting and controlling the information we share on a daily basis. This was the first Ecuadorian technological startup that came out of a crowdfunding platform (Kickstarter).

When was Yambuu launched?

Yambuu was born out of a human error when sending an email within the framework of an advanced negotiation to acquire a bank in Colombia. The financial group of one of Yambuu’s partners was involved. Something went wrong and brought about the end of a megabuck negotiation. When sending an email, one of the partners of Yambuu (director and former president of the bank at the time) didn’t realize that there was a mistakenly-included homonymous addressee.

That addressee had an influence on the counterpart of such negotiation and it was later cancelled.

The mistake, beyond the economic loss, was shameful and triggered the interest in finding a solution to protect and control the information we daily share by email, in any kind of company.

Yambuu was born with the aim set on designing and developing products to secure and control the information we share, even if it is resent to any other person.

How does this startup work?

Yambuu’s main product is Yambuu Mail, a security and control complement for emails, so we can control what we send, even if the email is resent to any other person. This process goes through the most sophisticated encryption algorithm of the world: PGP.

Yambuu allows users to:

  • Encrypt the information from dot to dot
  • Track down the resending of emails to any other person
  • Limit the access at any time (even if the email has been already read).
  • Set expiration date
  • Block the resend option to third parties
  • Prohibit content copy and deny the download of images or.pdf files

What is your business model?

We have a web platform, which markets user licensing, with an annual value of 79.99 USD.

How about your main outcomes?

Yambuu was the first Ecuadorian technological startup that came out of a crowdfunding platform (Kickstarter).

Handpicked as a company for Ruta N in Medellin.

Finalist in 2016 South Summit

Semifinalist in Techcrunch

We have business offices in Ecuador, Chile, Guatemala and we’re opening spaces in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.

What can you tell us about your plans in 2017?

We are looking forward to creating new products, fostering our regional expansion and strengthening our brand.

How do you make of the startup ecosystem in Ecuador?

The ecosystem requires growth and boost to raise funds, networking and tech-specialized mentorship.

5 tips to share with other startups

  • Manage your Startup as a company, instead of a startup.
  • Don’t stop, don’t stop and don’t stop.
  • Look for allies to help you go global.
  • Think about markets beyond your country.
  • Listen to what professionals (mentors) advise on every area of your company.


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